Video Courses
Learn to play your steel tongue drum with confidence and greater enjoyment!
Rick and Linda Dunlap of Visionhawk Music
How To Play Steel Tongue Drums Video Course
Course 1 - Level Beginner
How to Play Steel Tongue Drums
This course includes information to help you get started and feel confident playing your steel tongue drum.
Videos included in this course:
An introduction to the course and Visionhawk Music.
Playing with rubber ball sticks.
How to label the notes on your drum for deeper learning.
Playing Patterns - we include practice time after each new pattern is introduced.
Tips on how to play by hand
Playing with padded mallets and the different sound created by these accessories
All 6 videos for only $29.00 US
You will be purchasing a document with the URL and password to access this course. Please save your URL and Password so you can review this course whenever you want.
This button takes you our online store. Look for the collage photo in our available items. It is the first item in our online store.
Rick Dunlap playing a Moyo Drum at Four Corners Monument
Course 2 - Intermediate Level
Joyful Ways to Use Your Steel Tongue Drum or Hand Pan
This course includes information to give you ideas of ways you can use your drum that you may not have thought about.
Videos included in this course:
An introduction to the course content.
Using your drum for Yoga and Dance
Playing with Children
Poetic Expressions
Special Needs and Volunteer Opportunities
Sacred Spaces
Meditation with your drum
Affirmations for Body Mind Spirit Connection
Walking a Labyrinth
All 10 videos for only $39.00 US
You will be purchasing a document with the URL and password to access this course. Please save your URL and Password so you can review this course whenever you want.
This button takes you our online store. Look for the photo of Rick seen above in our available items. It is the second item in our online store.
Coming Soon
We are working now on 3 more video courses.
Courses will include:
Playing with other instruments
Advanced playing techniques and recording tips
Sound Therapy information
Stay tuned for the courses that interest you or contact us to be added to our video course email list.